Practice is held at the Church of the Assumption, 9183 Broadview Rd., Broadview Hts., Ohio 44147. Please contact Director Tom Ivanec for practice information
Are you interested in learning about Slovak culture, making new friends, travel and having fun?
Lúčina was formed as a result of founder and native Clevelander Tom Ivanec’s interest and dedication to
developing a successful Slovak folk dance ensemble in Northeast, Ohio.
Since Lúčina’s inception in 1981, its purpose has been to educate and preserve the SLOVAK cultural heritage in Greater Cleveland, throughout the United States and abroad through historic folk song and dance.
Children age 5 years and older are welcomed to join the children's folk ensemble LÚČINKA.
Teens (15 and above) and adults are eligible for the senior group LÚČINA.
No prior dance experience is necessary.
Point of contact:
Lúčina Slovak Folk Ensemble
Tom Ivanec, Director
9279 Stafford Rd., Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
12-05-2021 LÚČINA entertains at the Slovak Vilija at Benedictine High School. Our first performance in TWO years!
The Lúčina Slovak Folklore Ensemble of Cleveland
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on the Lúčina Slovak Folklore Ensemble. Our practices and performances have been suspended for the foreseeable future, including cancellation of the 2020 Lúčina Gala in November. Such measures and changes are unfortunate but have been done to allow social distancing and other safety measures for the well being of our members and our audience.
Please check this site regularly as we hope to resume normal activities as soon as it is viable to do so.
When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.
It's to enjoy each step along
the way.
-Wayne Dyer